German, English
Legal studies at the Faculty of Law of the Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich and School of Economics, London
Internships, inter alia, at the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce, Mumbai, and at the law firm Matsuo + Kossugi, Tokyo
Scholarship Legal Studies, King’s College, London
Doctorate at the University of Marburg, dissertation on the subject “Die Priorität im Sortenschutzrecht” [Priority Rights in Plant Variety Law] (1993)
GRUR, AIPPI (Member to Standing Committee on Plant Varieties), INTA, ECTA, ITMA, Deutsch-Polnische Juristenvereinigung e.V. (German-Polish Lawyers' Association)
Leaders League 2024: Trademark Prosecution - Excellent
Managing IP "IP STAR 2023 and 2024": Trade mark Star
Gert Würtenberger is a specialist in the fields of trademark registration and infringement litigation, plant variety protection (prosecution and litigation), negotiating licenses in relation to all kinds of IPR and EU Law, as well antitrust law issues related to these fields. He is author of the leading German commentary on national and European plant variety protection and is the initiator and co-author of the book European Union Plant Variety Protection. He currently serves as the Chairman of the Süddeutsche Schiedsgericht für Saatgut- und Sortenschutzstreitigkeit [Southern German Arbitration Court for Seed and Plant Variety Protection], as President of GRUR [German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property] and as Chairman of the GRUR-Fachausschusses für den Schutz von Pflanzenzüchtungen [GRUR Special Committee for the Protection of Plants Varieties]. In addition, Gert Würtenberger is a member to Standing Comittee on Plant Varieties of AIPPI.
Attorney-at-law, partner, managing partner in a highly renown Munich based patent and law firm
WürtenbergerKunze Rechtsanwälte – Founding Partner
WürtenbergerRechtsanwälte – Founding Partner
Member of the Editorial Board of the British Journal “Intellectual Property Law & Practice”, Oxford University Press
Chairman of the GRUR Expert Committee for the Protection of Plant Varieties
Chairman of the Southern German Arbitration Tribunal for Disputes in Seed and Plant Variety Matters
President of GRUR – German Association for Intellectual Property Law and Copyright Law
WIPO Neutral