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Events MB News   on 25.09.2024

IP Days 2024

Events MB News on 25.09.2024

IP Days 2024

September 25th - 26th, 2024 Hyperion Hotel Munich

IP-News MB News   on 25.07.2024

Trademark Dispute Over "FoFoCup - Just fold it!" and Nike's Appeal

IP-News MB News on 25.07.2024

Trademark Dispute Over "FoFoCup - Just fold it!" and Nike's Appeal

Case R 929/2023-4 - EUIPO

IP-News MB News   on 01.07.2024

Legal Dispute Over “Tropicália”: Brazilian Court Rules on Cultural Ownership

IP-News MB News on 01.07.2024

Legal Dispute Over “Tropicália”: Brazilian Court Rules on Cultural Ownership

Read here!

Press MB News MB UK   on 20.06.2024

Financial Times Ranking 2024

Press MB News MB UK on 20.06.2024

Financial Times Ranking 2024

Meissner Bolte is part of "Europe’s Leading Patent Law Firms"

IP-News MB News   on 19.06.2024

EU General Court on trademark reputation (T-157/23 – Patou)

IP-News MB News on 19.06.2024

EU General Court on trademark reputation (T-157/23 – Patou)

Read here!

Events MB News   on 07.06.2024

Start-Up Week Düsseldorf

Events MB News on 07.06.2024

Start-Up Week Düsseldorf

with Niels Schuh and Ulrich Kreutzer

IP-News Events MB News   on 06.06.2024

PCT Update 2024

IP-News Events MB News on 06.06.2024

PCT Update 2024

One-hour online lecture

IP-News Press MB News   on 01.06.2024

One year of the Unified Patent Court

IP-News Press MB News on 01.06.2024

One year of the Unified Patent Court

Press Release

Press MB News   on 29.05.2024

Meissner Bolte is one of the top business law firms in Germany

Press MB News on 29.05.2024

Meissner Bolte is one of the top business law firms in Germany

Awarded by brand eins

MB UK   on 22.05.2024

Saltaire Cricket Club

MB UK on 22.05.2024

Saltaire Cricket Club

Meissner Bolte UK Partners with Saltaire Cricket Club for the 2024 Season

Events   on 21.05.2024

Exploring the Impact of Organizational Culture on the Relationship between Companies and Law Firms

Events on 21.05.2024

Exploring the Impact of Organizational Culture on the Relationship between Companies and Law Firms

Luncheon Table Topic at INTA 2024

Events   on 19.05.2024

Fostering a Sustainable Client-Attorney-Relationship

Events on 19.05.2024

Fostering a Sustainable Client-Attorney-Relationship

INTA 2024, May 19

Events MB News   on 16.05.2024

UPC Aperitivo

Events MB News on 16.05.2024

UPC Aperitivo

Free webinar

IP-News   on 29.04.2024

Patent disputes and the principle of free evaluation of evidence in Brazil

IP-News on 29.04.2024

Patent disputes and the principle of free evaluation of evidence in Brazil

Read online!

MB News   on 22.04.2024

Copyright Infringement Liability: The Mercado Livre Case in Brazilian E-Commerce

MB News on 22.04.2024

Copyright Infringement Liability: The Mercado Livre Case in Brazilian E-Commerce

Read here!

MB News   on 18.04.2024

ICLG 2024

MB News on 18.04.2024

ICLG 2024

Insights into trade mark laws and regulations in Germany

MB News   on 16.04.2024

The case rivaroxaban

MB News on 16.04.2024

The case rivaroxaban

Read here!

IP-News MB UK   on 15.04.2024

UK Standard-Essential Patents

IP-News MB UK on 15.04.2024

UK Standard-Essential Patents

Introduction of a UK SEPs Resource Hub

IP-News MB News   on 08.04.2024

The case of Intacta RR2 Pro soy royalties

IP-News MB News on 08.04.2024

The case of Intacta RR2 Pro soy royalties

Read here!

IP-News MB News   on 02.04.2024

A bill regulating the ownership of inventions generated by AI systems

IP-News MB News on 02.04.2024

A bill regulating the ownership of inventions generated by AI systems

Brazilian Congress member proposes

MB News MB UK   on 26.03.2024

Life as a trainee

MB News MB UK on 26.03.2024

Life as a trainee

Interview with Silvana Milnes

IP-News MB News   on 25.03.2024

Court forces META to rebrand in Brazil

IP-News MB News on 25.03.2024

Court forces META to rebrand in Brazil

Trademark dispute in Brazil

Events MB News   on 22.03.2024

Asia Seminar 2024

Events MB News on 22.03.2024

Asia Seminar 2024

Inspection proceedings – newest developments in Asia and Europe

Events   on 11.01.2024

Seminar of the Korean Patent Attorneys Association

Events on 11.01.2024

Seminar of the Korean Patent Attorneys Association

Successful Exchange in Seoul

MB News   on 02.01.2024

Patents for the medicinal product Rayaldee® successfully defended

MB News on 02.01.2024

Patents for the medicinal product Rayaldee® successfully defended

Meissner Bolte achieves success for Rayaldee®

Events   on 29.11.2023

International IP Court Conference 2023

Events on 29.11.2023

International IP Court Conference 2023

In Daejeon, Korea

MB News MB UK   on 27.11.2023

Meissner Bolte UK | Silver medal!

MB News MB UK on 27.11.2023

Meissner Bolte UK | Silver medal!

by EcoVadis

IP-News Press MB News   on 20.11.2023

Meissner Bolte achieves success for Solarwatt

IP-News Press MB News on 20.11.2023

Meissner Bolte achieves success for Solarwatt

Press Release

Events   on 06.11.2023

Annual Conference of the Deutsch-Koreanische Juristische Gesellschaft e.V.

Events on 06.11.2023

Annual Conference of the Deutsch-Koreanische Juristische Gesellschaft e.V.

28.10.2023, Düsseldorf

Events   on 18.10.2023

Thinknet 6G Summit 2023

Events on 18.10.2023

Thinknet 6G Summit 2023

26th of October 2023 in Munich, Bayern Innovativ

Press MB News   on 17.10.2023

Dutch IP firm Arnold & Siedsma strengthens the European Patent Litigators Network

Press MB News on 17.10.2023

Dutch IP firm Arnold & Siedsma strengthens the European Patent Litigators Network

Press release

IP-News MB News   on 11.10.2023

EPO News: 01.11.2023

IP-News MB News on 11.10.2023

EPO News: 01.11.2023

EPO will change deadlines for all official communication

IP-News   on 10.10.2023

Patents - what they can do and how they benefit SMEs

IP-News on 10.10.2023

Patents - what they can do and how they benefit SMEs

German SMEs invest a lot in research and development - but there is still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to patent protection.

Events MB News   on 27.09.2023

IP Days 2023

Events MB News on 27.09.2023

IP Days 2023

September 27th - 28th, 2023

MB News   on 14.09.2023

Improved patent protection

MB News on 14.09.2023

Improved patent protection

EPC strengthens innovative German SMEs

IP-News MB News MB UK   on 04.09.2023

The UK Intellectual Property Offices Transformation Programme: Second consultation

IP-News MB News MB UK on 04.09.2023

The UK Intellectual Property Offices Transformation Programme: Second consultation

An opportunity to abolish the UK’s longstanding “series trade mark” provision

IP-News MB News   on 11.08.2023


IP-News MB News on 11.08.2023


New questions referred to the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office

IP-News MB News   on 01.08.2023

International Registration of Industrial Designs

IP-News MB News on 01.08.2023

International Registration of Industrial Designs

Brazil joins the Hague Agreement

MB News   on 01.08.2023

Only 5 months left to provide APHA with details of a UK-based agent

MB News on 01.08.2023

Only 5 months left to provide APHA with details of a UK-based agent

Brexit and Retained EU Plant Variety Rights

MB News   on 01.07.2023

Meissner Bolte extends competence into Korea

MB News on 01.07.2023

Meissner Bolte extends competence into Korea

Attorney and European Patent Litigator Alexander Son

Events MB News   on 27.06.2023

PCT Update

Events MB News on 27.06.2023

PCT Update


MB News   on 18.06.2023

Tax & Legal Excellence forum

MB News on 18.06.2023

Tax & Legal Excellence forum

Oliver Nilgen joined Tax & Legal Excellence forum

MB News   on 14.06.2023

Meissner Bolte is Europe’s Leading Patent Law Firms

MB News on 14.06.2023

Meissner Bolte is Europe’s Leading Patent Law Firms

Ranking Financial Times

  on 05.06.2023

"G 2/21"

on 05.06.2023

"G 2/21"

Decision of the Enlarges Board of Appeal

Brochures   on 24.05.2023

Preliminary Injunctions before the UPC

Brochures on 24.05.2023

Preliminary Injunctions before the UPC


Events MB News   on 18.05.2023

Florian Meyer speaking at INTA 2023 panel

Events MB News on 18.05.2023

Florian Meyer speaking at INTA 2023 panel

Protecting your intellectual property rights - managing and monetizing intellectual property disputes

Events MB News   on 17.05.2023

INTA 2023 Singapore

Events MB News on 17.05.2023

INTA 2023 Singapore

Meet the Team above the Bay – Register now!

Newsletter   on 17.05.2023


Newsletter on 17.05.2023


Update May 2023

Press MB News   on 16.05.2023


Press MB News on 16.05.2023


Press Release

Brochures   on 11.05.2023

Good ideas need perfect protection

Brochures on 11.05.2023

Good ideas need perfect protection

Office Brochure

IP-News MB News   on 03.05.2023

Infringement in the unitary patent system

IP-News MB News on 03.05.2023

Infringement in the unitary patent system

New reference book available soon

Publications MB News   on 02.05.2023

Reference guide on patents published: Tilman Pfrang from Meissner Bolte contributing the Germany chapter

Publications MB News on 02.05.2023

Reference guide on patents published: Tilman Pfrang from Meissner Bolte contributing the Germany chapter

Lexology GTDT Patents 2023

MB News   on 24.04.2023

New Trade Mark Team in the UK Office

MB News on 24.04.2023

New Trade Mark Team in the UK Office

Alexander Pickles

Publications MB News   on 18.04.2023

Meissner Bolte lawyers providing insights into trade mark laws and regulations in Germany

Publications MB News on 18.04.2023

Meissner Bolte lawyers providing insights into trade mark laws and regulations in Germany

International Comparative Legal Guide (ICLG)

MB News   on 12.04.2023

UPC Ahoy: Essential Toolkit for Steering Your Patent Prosecution Portfolio

MB News on 12.04.2023

UPC Ahoy: Essential Toolkit for Steering Your Patent Prosecution Portfolio

2023 ABA-IPL Section Annual Conference - IPLSPRING

Newsletter MB News   on 12.04.2023

Decision of the Board of Appeal on the "1000 Dollar Pill"/Sofosbuvir

Newsletter MB News on 12.04.2023

Decision of the Board of Appeal on the "1000 Dollar Pill"/Sofosbuvir

T 2643/16

Events MB News   on 22.03.2023

Hybrid seminar at UPOV headquarters in Geneva

Events MB News on 22.03.2023

Hybrid seminar at UPOV headquarters in Geneva

Seminar on the interaction between plant variety protection and the use of plant breeding technologies

Events   on 20.03.2023

Best practices in Intellectual Property

Events on 20.03.2023

Best practices in Intellectual Property

Conference in Tel Aviv

MB News   on 16.03.2023

Prominently ranked: Meissner Bolte’s expertise acknowledged by Chambers and Partners

MB News on 16.03.2023

Prominently ranked: Meissner Bolte’s expertise acknowledged by Chambers and Partners

Ranking Chambers and Partners

Events MB News   on 15.03.2023

The Unified Patent Court is coming – benefits and risks of the new court system

Events MB News on 15.03.2023

The Unified Patent Court is coming – benefits and risks of the new court system

OxViews Webinar

Events   on 08.03.2023

Designrecht in der Praxis

Events on 08.03.2023

Designrecht in der Praxis

PAVIS Online Seminar

MB News   on 02.03.2023

The EPO will apply increased fees

MB News on 02.03.2023

The EPO will apply increased fees

Any fee that is still payed before 1st of April 2023 the lower fee will apply

Events   on 01.03.2023

Redefine your IP strategy

Events on 01.03.2023

Redefine your IP strategy

Auto IP & Legal World Summit

MB News   on 27.02.2023

Preliminary Injunctions and Protective Letters before the UPC

MB News on 27.02.2023

Preliminary Injunctions and Protective Letters before the UPC

Art. 62 of the Agreement on the Unified Patent Court (UPCA)

MB News   on 20.02.2023

UK IPO has issued a Tribunal Practice Notice

MB News on 20.02.2023

UK IPO has issued a Tribunal Practice Notice

Important change to UK Inter Partes Proceedings: We strongly advise recordal of a UK Address for Service

Press   on 16.02.2023

Meissner Bolte is pleased to announce a new partner in the Dusseldorf office

Press on 16.02.2023

Meissner Bolte is pleased to announce a new partner in the Dusseldorf office

Press Release

MB News   on 15.02.2023

Excellently rated: The Legal 500 Deutschland recommends Meissner Bolte

MB News on 15.02.2023

Excellently rated: The Legal 500 Deutschland recommends Meissner Bolte

Ranking in The Legal 500

Press MB News   on 02.02.2023

Meissner Bolte and Santarelli Group launch network: Concentrated competence for cases before the Unified Patent Court

Press MB News on 02.02.2023

Meissner Bolte and Santarelli Group launch network: Concentrated competence for cases before the Unified Patent Court

Press release

Events   on 27.01.2023

IP Days 2022

Events on 27.01.2023

IP Days 2022

Meissner Bolte Seminar in München

Events   on 30.11.2022

IAM Connect UPC 2022

Events on 30.11.2022

IAM Connect UPC 2022

This brand-new event will present you with actionable insights into how to prepare for the UPC’s launch.

IP-News   on 28.11.2022

JurassIP Age

IP-News on 28.11.2022

JurassIP Age

Dinosaurs and IP?

Events   on 25.10.2022

ABA Webinar

Events on 25.10.2022

ABA Webinar

The Unitary Patent System is Coming into Force: What United States Practitioners Need to Know

Archive   on 13.10.2022

Patent Blog

Archive on 13.10.2022

Patent Blog

Will the German automatic injunction live forever?

Publications   on 11.10.2022

Trademarks 2023

Publications on 11.10.2022

Trademarks 2023

Lexology GTDT Trademarks 2023

Events News Homepage   on 28.09.2022

IP Days 2022

Events News Homepage on 28.09.2022

IP Days 2022

The Whole Bucket

Archive   on 07.07.2022

Patentstrategien im Unternehmen

Archive on 07.07.2022

Patentstrategien im Unternehmen


MB News Archive   on 14.06.2022

The Unified Patent Court is coming – benefits and risks of the new court system

MB News Archive on 14.06.2022

The Unified Patent Court is coming – benefits and risks of the new court system

Free Webinar with Meissner Bolte

MB News Archive   on 16.05.2022

Brand Webinar 2022

MB News Archive on 16.05.2022

Brand Webinar 2022

Absicherung und Benutzung global registrierter Marken

Archive   on 06.05.2022

Patentgeschichte(n) – Erfindungen vom Altertum bis zur Neuzeit

Archive on 06.05.2022

Patentgeschichte(n) – Erfindungen vom Altertum bis zur Neuzeit

Vortrag PA Volkmar Kruspig als Keynote-Speaker zum Firmenjubiläum COLANDIS

Archive   on 28.04.2022

NEWS FLASH: CJEU ruling on preliminary iinjunctions

Archive on 28.04.2022

NEWS FLASH: CJEU ruling on preliminary iinjunctions

Breaking news

IP-News Archive   on 26.04.2022

Einheitspatent und Einheitliches Patentgericht

IP-News Archive on 26.04.2022

Einheitspatent und Einheitliches Patentgericht


Archive   on 29.03.2022

EPO Podcast

Archive on 29.03.2022

EPO Podcast

PATLIB centres and patent attorneys: allies or competitors?

Archive   on 24.03.2022

China-Seminar 2022

Archive on 24.03.2022

China-Seminar 2022

China-Seminar 2022

Archive   on 10.03.2022

Frist versäumt - was nun?

Archive on 10.03.2022

Frist versäumt - was nun?

PAVIS Online Seminar

Archive   on 03.03.2022

IPWatchdog Webinar

Archive on 03.03.2022

IPWatchdog Webinar

The Top 3 in Global Patent Litigation: Features, Trends, & Geopolitics

Archive   on 03.03.2022

Die FTO-Analyse – das Risiko einer Patentverletzung effektiv bewerten

Archive on 03.03.2022

Die FTO-Analyse – das Risiko einer Patentverletzung effektiv bewerten


Archive   on 23.02.2022

MB Virtual Roadshow

Archive on 23.02.2022

MB Virtual Roadshow

Virtual UPC Roadshow

Archive   on 19.01.2022

UPC News

Archive on 19.01.2022

UPC News

Austria ratified the Protocol to the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court on provisional application

Newsletter   on 12.01.2022

Admissibility of post-published evidence

Newsletter on 12.01.2022

Admissibility of post-published evidence

MB News January 2022

Archive   on 15.12.2021

International SEP Symposium 2021

Archive on 15.12.2021

International SEP Symposium 2021

Online conference

Archive   on 13.12.2021

Lexology GTDT – Intellectual Property & Antitrust 2022

Archive on 13.12.2021

Lexology GTDT – Intellectual Property & Antitrust 2022

Q&A: IP rights in competition in Germany - exclusive chapter by Philipp Rastemborski

Archive   on 07.12.2021

Press release Würtenberger Attorneys at Law

Archive on 07.12.2021

Press release Würtenberger Attorneys at Law

The law firm Würtenberger Attorneys at Law joins Meissner Bolte PartnG mbB as of 2 January 2022.

Archive   on 07.12.2021

Press release Würtenberger Attorneys at Law

Archive on 07.12.2021

Press release Würtenberger Attorneys at Law

The law firm Würtenberger Attorneys at Law joins Meissner Bolte PartnG mbB as of 2 January 2022.

Archive   on 02.12.2021

IPWatchdog Webinar

Archive on 02.12.2021

IPWatchdog Webinar

Patent Litigation in Germany after German Patent Law Reform

Archive   on 02.12.2021

"Upheaval" in European Patent Law

Archive on 02.12.2021

"Upheaval" in European Patent Law

Austrian Federal Council approved the ratification

Archive   on 19.11.2021

Sedona Conference's Patent

Archive on 19.11.2021

Sedona Conference's Patent

Online conference

Archive   on 11.11.2021

Federal Patent Court

Archive on 11.11.2021

Federal Patent Court

Computer made inventions patentable?

Archive   on 02.11.2021

Auto IP Europe 2021

Archive on 02.11.2021

Auto IP Europe 2021


Archive   on 28.10.2021

The European Patent Office strengthens the parties’ rights

Archive on 28.10.2021

The European Patent Office strengthens the parties’ rights

The Enlarged Board of Appeals released the full text of the Decision G1/21

Archive   on 08.10.2021

WTR - EUIPO Filing Elite 2021

Archive on 08.10.2021

WTR - EUIPO Filing Elite 2021

A Q&A with Meissner Bolte about current topics in trade mark law

Archive   on 23.09.2021

Meissner Bolte succeeds for Warwick before the German Federal Supreme Court

Archive on 23.09.2021

Meissner Bolte succeeds for Warwick before the German Federal Supreme Court

In the legal dispute over the sale of V-shaped electric guitars, Meissner Bolte has achieved a victory for guitar manufacturer Warwick.

Events   on 15.09.2021

Brand Protection Webinar

Events on 15.09.2021

Brand Protection Webinar

How to make the most of your brands

Archive   on 04.06.2021

Copyright 2021

Archive on 04.06.2021

Copyright 2021

Lexology | Getting The Deal Trough

Archive   on 25.05.2021

Patents 2021

Archive on 25.05.2021

Patents 2021

Lexology | Getting The Deal Trough

Archive   on 08.04.2021

Technical design elements - EGC specifies protection options

Archive on 08.04.2021

Technical design elements - EGC specifies protection options

MB Milestones 03.2021

Archive   on 12.03.2021

Protecting Simulation based Inventions in Europe

Archive on 12.03.2021

Protecting Simulation based Inventions in Europe

MB Milestones 02/2021

Archive   on 25.02.2021

Competition Law and its Effect on the use of Patent Rights

Archive on 25.02.2021

Competition Law and its Effect on the use of Patent Rights


Archive   on 02.02.2021

Will the UK introduce a 12 Month Grace period for filing patent Applications?

Archive on 02.02.2021

Will the UK introduce a 12 Month Grace period for filing patent Applications?

UK IP News

Archive   on 20.01.2021

IAM Webinar

Archive on 20.01.2021

IAM Webinar

Selection inventions in the European, German and UK Patent Practice: differences and commonalities

Archive   on 19.01.2021

EPLAW-Blog: "DE - Truvada / Supreme Court / SPC"

Archive on 19.01.2021

EPLAW-Blog: "DE - Truvada / Supreme Court / SPC"

EPLAW Blog article by Dr. Tobias Wuttke & Dr. Tobias Popp

Archive   on 19.01.2021

EPLAW-Blog: "DE - Truvada / Supreme Court / SPC"

Archive on 19.01.2021

EPLAW-Blog: "DE - Truvada / Supreme Court / SPC"

EPLAW Blog article by Dr. Tobias Wuttke & Dr. Tobias Popp

Archive   on 18.01.2021

Legality of Virtual Oral Proceedings under Art. 116 EPC

Archive on 18.01.2021

Legality of Virtual Oral Proceedings under Art. 116 EPC

Legality of Virtual Oral Proceedings under Art. 116 EPC - Pros & Cons

Archive   on 13.01.2021

German ratification of UPC agreement on hold

Archive on 13.01.2021

German ratification of UPC agreement on hold


Archive   on 04.01.2021

Winning with IP

Archive on 04.01.2021

Winning with IP

Immunology, patents and high-growth - A contribution by Dr. Stephan Held & Dr. Christoph Behrens

Archive   on 01.01.2021

Partner Appointment

Archive on 01.01.2021

Partner Appointment

Attorney-at-law Philipp Rastemborski, LL.M. (Edinburgh) becomes partner in Munich

Archive   on 07.12.2020


Archive on 07.12.2020


Virtual Oral Proceedings - Are they legal under Article 116 EPC?

Archive   on 04.12.2020

Awards 2020

Archive on 04.12.2020

Awards 2020

Our Success in 2020

Archive   on 04.12.2020

MB Milestones - Special Edition

Archive on 04.12.2020

MB Milestones - Special Edition

German Bundestag approves the Unified Patent Court

Archive   on 25.11.2020

MB Milestones - Special Edition

Archive on 25.11.2020

MB Milestones - Special Edition

Changes to Address for Service Rules at the UKIPO

Archive   on 09.11.2020

WTR - EUIPO Filing Elite 2020

Archive on 09.11.2020

WTR - EUIPO Filing Elite 2020

A Q&A with Meissner Bolte about current topics in trade mark law

Archive   on 03.11.2020

Meissner Bolte wins UWG dispute for Warwick

Archive on 03.11.2020

Meissner Bolte wins UWG dispute for Warwick

JUVE News - No solo: Warwick wins with Meissner Bolte UWG dispute over Flying V Guitar

Archive   on 20.10.2020

MB Milestones - Special Edition

Archive on 20.10.2020

MB Milestones - Special Edition

Meissner Bolte is ready for Brexit, are you?

Archive   on 05.10.2020

EPLAW Blog: "DE - Nokia v. Daimler"

Archive on 05.10.2020

EPLAW Blog: "DE - Nokia v. Daimler"

EPLAW Blog article by Philipp Rastemborski, LL.M. (Edinburgh)

Archive   on 14.09.2020

EPLAW Blog: "DE - Divisional Game"

Archive on 14.09.2020

EPLAW Blog: "DE - Divisional Game"

EPLAW Blog article by Dr. Tobias Wuttke

Archive   on 27.08.2020

MB Milestones 03/2020

Archive on 27.08.2020

MB Milestones 03/2020

PCBIs at Focus of attention of the EPO Examination

Archive   on 06.08.2020

EPLAW Blog: "DE – “Bausatz” / The direct and unambiguous differences in comparison to standing EPO practice"

Archive on 06.08.2020

EPLAW Blog: "DE – “Bausatz” / The direct and unambiguous differences in comparison to standing EPO practice"

EPLAW Blog article by Dr. Jasper C. Werhahn, Dr. Hans-Peter Felgenhauer, Dr. Tobias Wuttke

Archive   on 06.08.2020

EPLAW Blog: "DE – “Bausatz” / The direct and unambiguous differences in comparison to standing EPO practice"

Archive on 06.08.2020

EPLAW Blog: "DE – “Bausatz” / The direct and unambiguous differences in comparison to standing EPO practice"

EPLAW blog article by Dr. Tobias Wuttke, Dr. Jasper C. Werhahn, Dr. Hans-Peter Felgenehauer

Archive   on 29.07.2020

MB Milestones 02/2020

Archive on 29.07.2020

MB Milestones 02/2020

Santen – Clear Judgment by the Court of Justice of the European Union

Archive   on 17.07.2020

EPLAW-Blog: "SANTEN – Clear Judgement by the Court of Justice of the European Union"

Archive on 17.07.2020

EPLAW-Blog: "SANTEN – Clear Judgement by the Court of Justice of the European Union"

EPLAW blog article by Dr. Tobias Wuttke & Dr. Tobias Popp

Archive   on 15.07.2020

Another win for Deutsche Telekom

Archive on 15.07.2020

Another win for Deutsche Telekom

Deutsche Telekom prevails against Enovsys in location security technology dispute

Archive   on 18.06.2020

Europe’s Leading Patent Law Firms 2020

Archive on 18.06.2020

Europe’s Leading Patent Law Firms 2020

Meissner Bolte recommended by Financial Times & Statista

Archive   on 17.06.2020

EPLAW-Blog: "SANTEN – Clear Judgement by the Court of Justice of the European Union"

Archive on 17.06.2020

EPLAW-Blog: "SANTEN – Clear Judgement by the Court of Justice of the European Union"

EPLAW blog article by Dr. Tobias Wuttke

Archive   on 15.06.2020

Victory all along the line

Archive on 15.06.2020

Victory all along the line

Meissner Bolte successful for Puritan Medical Products Co., LLC

Archive   on 15.05.2020

The best commercial law firms in Germany 2020

Archive on 15.05.2020

The best commercial law firms in Germany 2020

Meissner Bolte on the top list of brand eins

Archive   on 07.05.2020

EPO Case-Law Update

Archive on 07.05.2020

EPO Case-Law Update

Recent decisions of the Boards of Appeal

Archive   on 31.03.2020

Digital Patents: Essentials

Archive on 31.03.2020

Digital Patents: Essentials

in Amsterdam/Leiden

Archive   on 20.03.2020

MB Milestones - Special Edition

Archive on 20.03.2020

MB Milestones - Special Edition

German Federal Constitutional Court declares law approving the unified patent court null and void

Archive   on 17.03.2020

MB Milestones - Special Edition

Archive on 17.03.2020

MB Milestones - Special Edition

Notice regarding the Corona crisis

Archive   on 17.03.2020

EPLAW Blog: "DE - Preliminary Injunctions involving Patents and German Utility Models"

Archive on 17.03.2020

EPLAW Blog: "DE - Preliminary Injunctions involving Patents and German Utility Models"

EPLAW Blog article by Philipp Rastemborski, LL.M. (Edinburgh)

Events   on 12.03.2020

Asia Seminar 2020

Events on 12.03.2020

Asia Seminar 2020


Archive   on 04.03.2020

EPLAW-Blog: "DE - German Federal Supreme/File Inspection & Trade Secrets

Archive on 04.03.2020

EPLAW-Blog: "DE - German Federal Supreme/File Inspection & Trade Secrets

EPLAW blog article by Dr. Tobias Wuttke

Archive   on 13.02.2020

MB Milestones – Special Edition

Archive on 13.02.2020

MB Milestones – Special Edition

Brexit and your IP – an update: What we know now

Events   on 07.02.2020

Fifth Intellectual Property and Competition Forum

Events on 07.02.2020

Fifth Intellectual Property and Competition Forum

Building Bridges in Turbulent Markets

Archive   on 27.01.2020

MB Milestones (01/2020)

Archive on 27.01.2020

MB Milestones (01/2020)

EPO Reform 2020 - New Appeal Procedure (RPBA 2020)

Archive   on 01.01.2020

MB Milestones - Special Edition

Archive on 01.01.2020

MB Milestones - Special Edition

Partner Appointment

Archive   on 01.01.2020

Munich: Meissner Bolte PartG mbB and DeAnna-Patent merge

Archive on 01.01.2020

Munich: Meissner Bolte PartG mbB and DeAnna-Patent merge

On January 1, 2020, the law firms of Meissner Bolte and DeAnna-Patent, both based in Munich, joined forces.

Archive   on 22.11.2019

MB Milestones (07/2019)

Archive on 22.11.2019

MB Milestones (07/2019)

Meissner Bolte Website-Relaunch

Archive   on 04.11.2019

From Lead Compound To Strong Market Position

Archive on 04.11.2019

From Lead Compound To Strong Market Position

Dr. Stephan Held and Dr. Christoph Behrens discuss what are the best patent strategies in the pharmaceutical area.

Archive   on 23.10.2019

MB Milestones (06/2019)

Archive on 23.10.2019

MB Milestones (06/2019)

The shape mark: a relic?

Archive   on 30.09.2019

Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2020/2021 - A Global Guide

Archive on 30.09.2019

Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2020/2021 - A Global Guide

Oliver Nilgen, Andreas Kabisch and Dr. Stephan Held wrote an article for the German part of the latest Pharmaceutical Trademarks Guide.

Archive   on 25.09.2019

IP-Days 2019

Archive on 25.09.2019

IP-Days 2019

MEISSNER BOLTE cordially invites you to their IP-Days 2019

Archive   on 12.09.2019

EPLAW Blog: "UPC - Ratification of the UPC Agreement by Germany: Waiting for Godot?"

Archive on 12.09.2019

EPLAW Blog: "UPC - Ratification of the UPC Agreement by Germany: Waiting for Godot?"

EPLAW Blog atricle by Dr. Tobias Wuttke and Caroline Stenz

Archive   on 22.08.2019

MB Milestones (05/2019)

Archive on 22.08.2019

MB Milestones (05/2019)

Patent Infringement in Germany - 10 years' liability for infringer's profits

Archive   on 02.08.2019

MB-Milestones (04/2019)

Archive on 02.08.2019

MB-Milestones (04/2019)

Third Party Observations – An underused tool?

Archive   on 23.07.2019

EPLAW Blog: "Art 83 EPC (= sufficiency of disclosure) before the German Courts and the EPO: (still) no harmonization"

Archive on 23.07.2019

EPLAW Blog: "Art 83 EPC (= sufficiency of disclosure) before the German Courts and the EPO: (still) no harmonization"

EPLAW Blog article by Dr. Hans-Peter Felgenhauer and Dr. Tobias Wuttke

Archive   on 09.07.2019

Best Lawyers Award 2019

Archive on 09.07.2019

Best Lawyers Award 2019

Meissner Bolte is pleased to announce Dr. Henrik Bolte has received the Best Lawyers Award 2019

Archive   on 28.06.2019

The Sedona Conference's Patent

Archive on 28.06.2019

The Sedona Conference's Patent

Promoting Invention, Entrepreneurship, Economic Growth, and Job Creation

Archive   on 27.06.2019

Meissner Bolte lawyer Philipp Rastemborski speaks at Sedona Conference

Archive on 27.06.2019

Meissner Bolte lawyer Philipp Rastemborski speaks at Sedona Conference

Washington D.C.

Archive   on 13.06.2019

MB Milestones (03/2019)

Archive on 13.06.2019

MB Milestones (03/2019)

German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) "Products for Wound Treatment" – Obligation of provisional sales stop in the distribution chain instead of recall of infringing goods

Archive   on 06.06.2019

FORUM Seminar „Digital Patents (Part I: Essentials)“

Archive on 06.06.2019

FORUM Seminar „Digital Patents (Part I: Essentials)“

Computer-implemented inventions are now wide-spread in areas such as telecommunications, automotive or medical engineering.

Archive   on 06.06.2019

FORUM Seminar „Digital Patents (Part I: Essentials)“

Archive on 06.06.2019

FORUM Seminar „Digital Patents (Part I: Essentials)“

6th of June 2019 in Amsterdam

Archive   on 07.05.2019

FORUM seminar "Global Patent Drafting Conference"

Archive on 07.05.2019

FORUM seminar "Global Patent Drafting Conference"

in Munich

Archive   on 25.04.2019

EPLAW Blog: "DE – Patent Infringement in Germany – 10 years’ liability for infringer's profits"

Archive on 25.04.2019

EPLAW Blog: "DE – Patent Infringement in Germany – 10 years’ liability for infringer's profits"

EPLAW Blog article by Dr. Tobias Wuttke

Archive   on 28.03.2019

MB Milestones (01/2019)

Archive on 28.03.2019

MB Milestones (01/2019)

Inadmissible enlargements in EPC grant proceedings: Caution Trap

Archive   on 01.03.2019

MB Milestones (02/2019)

Archive on 01.03.2019

MB Milestones (02/2019)

Droht eine neue Abmahnwelle aufgrund von Datenschutzverstößen durch Mitbewerber? (available in German only)

Archive   on 01.03.2019

Meissner Bolte ranks again among the leading law firms in the field of Patent Law

Archive on 01.03.2019

Meissner Bolte ranks again among the leading law firms in the field of Patent Law

counts Meissner Bolte among the patent law market leaders in its current manual.

Archive   on 28.02.2019

In-depth report on patenting AI inventions published by WIPO

Archive on 28.02.2019

In-depth report on patenting AI inventions published by WIPO

A new report by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) sheds light into the global patent application practice in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Archive   on 12.02.2019

Meissner Bolte is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Matthias Hoener as Partner

Archive on 12.02.2019

Meissner Bolte is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Matthias Hoener as Partner

Dr Hoener works for MEISSENER BOLTE in Bremen and Düsseldorf.

Archive   on 04.02.2019

Meissner Bolte UK

Archive on 04.02.2019

Meissner Bolte UK

Direct representation for your IP in Germany, the EU and beyond!

Archive   on 01.01.2019

Kanzleimonitor ranks Meissner Bolte as one of the top law firms in the field of intellectual property

Archive on 01.01.2019

Kanzleimonitor ranks Meissner Bolte as one of the top law firms in the field of intellectual property

According to German in-house or company lawyers, Meissner Bolte is one of the top law firms in the field of intellectual property (design, trademark, copyright and patent law).

Archive   on 03.12.2018

MB Milestones (04/2018)

Archive on 03.12.2018

MB Milestones (04/2018)

Is Europe ready for the next revolution?

Archive   on 15.11.2018

JUVE once again ranks Meissner Bolte among the leading patent law firms in Germany

Archive on 15.11.2018

JUVE once again ranks Meissner Bolte among the leading patent law firms in Germany

Meissner Bolte is once again one of the leading patent law firms in Germany.

Archive   on 14.11.2018

Meissner Bolte defends Deutsche Telekom in the Tethering patent case

Archive on 14.11.2018

Meissner Bolte defends Deutsche Telekom in the Tethering patent case

The Mannheim Regional Court has ruled that Deutsche Telekom does not have to pay damages to the British patent exploiter Showrunner.

Archive   on 05.06.2018

MB Milestones (03/2018)

Archive on 05.06.2018

MB Milestones (03/2018)

EU Trade Secret Directive on the Horizon - Executive Summary

Archive   on 04.06.2018

Professor Dr Klaus-J. Melullis strengthens the Meissner Bolte team

Archive on 04.06.2018

Professor Dr Klaus-J. Melullis strengthens the Meissner Bolte team

former presiding judge at the Federal Court of Justice (Tenth Civil Senate), Professor Dr Klaus-J. Melullis, has joined Meissner Bolte in an "Of-Counsel” role.

Archive   on 02.05.2018

New business location for Meissner Bolte Gera

Archive on 02.05.2018

New business location for Meissner Bolte Gera

In June 2018 we moved into our new offices in the beautiful Villa Spaethe (Berliner Straße 1, 07545 Gera).

Archive   on 26.04.2018

UK ratifies UPC

Archive on 26.04.2018

UK ratifies UPC

April 26, 2018

Archive   on 07.03.2018

Meissner Bolte opens new location in Dusseldorf

Archive on 07.03.2018

Meissner Bolte opens new location in Dusseldorf

in cooperation with Prof. Dr. -Ing. Dr. jur. Uwe Fitzner

Archive   on 06.03.2018

MB Milestones (02/2018)

Archive on 06.03.2018

MB Milestones (02/2018)

Enforcement of Trademark Rights in Germany – National Trademark vs. European Union Trademark

Archive   on 05.02.2018

MB Milestones (01/2018)

Archive on 05.02.2018

MB Milestones (01/2018)

Exhaustion of patent rights and the limits to the right of permissible use – Some thoughts on the BGH’s judgement “Drum Unit”

Archive   on 01.08.2017

Milestones Special Edition (08/2017)

Archive on 01.08.2017

Milestones Special Edition (08/2017)

Decision of the Enlarged Board of Appeal G 1/16 rendered - The Undisclosed Disclaimer Stays Alive

Archive   on 03.07.2017

MB Milestones (07/2017)

Archive on 03.07.2017

MB Milestones (07/2017)

The first German compulsory patent license ever


MB News


MB News

DPMA Hinweis vom 30.09.2021

MB News

Meissner Bolte is playing in the “Leaders League”!

MB News

Meissner Bolte is playing in the “Leaders League”!



The German inspection proceeding


The German inspection proceeding

Uncover patents, secure evidence


Intellectual property for start-ups


Intellectual property for start-ups

Protect innovations, don't hide them


German patent infringement courts


German patent infringement courts

Decision made in Germany


Meissner Bolte appoints its UK Office as its representative


Meissner Bolte appoints its UK Office as its representative the UK Intellectual Property Office for its own UK Trade Mark Portfolio.


Opposition proceedings before the European Patent Office


Opposition proceedings before the European Patent Office

Central, cost-effective, powerful


The German utility model


The German utility model

Innovation protection: fast, flexible, cost-conscious.


Patente und Standards


Patente und Standards

De-Facto Herr der Dinge


Supplementary Protection Certificates


Supplementary Protection Certificates

Unique Protection for Medicinal Products and Plant Protection Products